Top 25 Manufacturers of the Home Care Industry

Here is the list of what the HMS staff considers as the top 25 companies of our industry when it comes to quality of product, innovation of the products they build, and the support for their products in the market. It’s not so important where these companies are ranked, we made it intentionally random, it’s just that they made the list. Please keep in mind companies like Permobil and Sunrise are conglomerates that represent many companies. We have asterisked those companies and listed them at the end of the list. Canadian companies are tagged. 

Motion Composites owns NXT Seating and represents Vicair in Canada

Permobil owns Rifton, Tilite, Roho, Bodypoint, SmartDrive, 5 Minds Mobility, Comfort Company, and recently purchased Product Design Group (PDG)

Sunrise Medical represents Leckey, RGK, Magic Mobility, EZ-ACCESS, and recently purchased Ride Designs

Etac is a giant global company and recently bought Ki Mobility. They also own R82 and Convaid.